Monday, December 5, 2016

Theater Class - NISRA

This theater class was provided by NISRA.  It’s focus was on simple choreography, singing, speaking on stage, and working together as a full cast.  Everyone get a role in the show based on their ability and interest.  Everyone has to learn the script and practice at each rehearsal until the night of the show.  The year that Aiden participated was for the production of Shrek.  Aiden got the role of Donkey. I wasn’t sure if Aiden would like this class but he really did.  When he tried out for “auditions” he did so well and had no problem singing on a stage in front of everyone.  I admire him so much for that! He learned his lines well and what he was supposed to do on stage but I think what he really enjoyed the most from this class was not so much the actual show in the end, but all the rehearsals.  I think he just really liked playing and interacting with the other kids.  Even though, if you saw them in rehearsals it wouldn’t always appear as if they are “interacting” with each other, but I think he does it, or appreciates it, in his own way.  Aiden is a fun and a funny kid, so is the character he was playing as Donkey.  Aiden knew all his lines by heart but when it finally came down to performance night in front of an auditorium full of strangers he seemed to have gotten a bit distracted and went off script, talking to the audience, asking why they were laughing at him.  He looked so cute in his donkey costume, and because the show was a comedy, the audience didn’t know if that was just part of his act and so they laughed even more.  But like with most difficult or unusual circumstances in his life, he just rolled with the punches. What a trooper!