Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt - Sleepy Hollow, IL

This past year I took Aiden to the Sleepy Hollow Easter egg hunt.  I think I had heard about it through Aiden’s baseball program coordinator. I knew that they were going to have a section for special needs kids so I was excited to take him.  The reason for that section was so that our kids actually get a chance at finding some eggs.  All the eggs were scattered about the field and then the field was roped into sections by age categories and special needs.  They didn’t want all the kids to start hunting at the same time so the kids had to wait until their group was announced.  The problem with that was that they called the special needs group last or very close to it.  I realize that all kids are impatient but to try to keep some of these children with autism still was difficult and they couldn’t understand why they couldn’t look for eggs when they could see all the other kids doing it.  I think the organizers should have had the special needs kids start at the same time as the youngest age group kids. Other than that, I think it was a pretty decent Easter activity.  There were little candies inside the eggs and if you were lucky to find an egg with no candy but a ticket instead, you could go up to the table and choose a big regular size candy bar.  Aiden really liked that.  They also had the Easter bunny ride in on a fire truck to give hugs and take pictures with the kids.  It was cute but the loud siren did seem to be a little overwhelming for some of the kids.  Aiden was a little startled but then he got okay with it.

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