Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I took Aiden with me when I voted in both the 2016 primary and general elections.  For the primary election we went to the West Dundee Village Hall.  It was during the early voting period and I guess the timing was right because there were only about 2 people ahead of me.  Aiden stayed in line with me just long enough to ask the volunteers there what their names were and how they were doing that day.  They loved him and gave him a sticker.  Aiden wanted to sit and look out the window across the room since we were on the 2nd floor. The room was small enough that he wasn’t very far from me, and I could see him clearly from the voting booth, so I let him stay there.  When I finished he made sure to say goodbye to everyone before we left.  That kid makes everyone smile.

For the general election we went to the Carpentersville Fire Department Station #3.  Again we went during the early voting period and right after Aiden got out of school.  This time there were probably about 7 people ahead of us.  The voting room was very small there so we spent most of the time just waiting in the hallway.  I didn’t want to leave Aiden there out of my sight so he was with me in the voting booth.  Not a lot of chatting was going around at this place so we came and left without Aiden ever introducing himself to anyone.  I think he was a little disappointed. LOL

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