Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tri-Cities Little League - Challenger Division

I learned about this little league from one of Aiden’s teachers. The Challenger Division is just for kids with special needs.  The goal of this division is to give everyone a chance to play.  Each player is assigned a buddy who stays by their side throughout the game and helps them with every aspect of the game.  The kids are assigned teams, get uniforms, and play on regulation baseball fields.  There are no strikes, outs or points.  Every batter swings until they hit the ball.  Sometimes this means using a batting tee or getting help from their buddy, but one way or another everyone gets to hit the ball.  Every year Aiden gets better and better.  Hitting the ball, running to the bases, catching and throwing, in every aspect of the game he keeps improving.  At the end of each year they have a jamboree.  They play a game and then afterwards there are different activities to do. There are prize games to play, craft areas, face painting, a raffle, hayrides, petting zoo, food, basically just an overall good time.  Aiden loves it and we do too.  There’s no feeling like an outsider here.  Everyone can just comfortably be themselves.

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