Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween Party - Dundee Township Rotary Club

Every year the Dundee Township Rotary Club has a special Halloween party for children with special needs.  There are about 4 rows of tables in 1 room that are each decorated by the rotary club members with different themes like cartoon characters, superheros, etc. and the special kids (and their siblings) get to walk around to each table and trick-or-treat.  The candy givers are all dressed up and usually take pictures with the kids.  When you finish all your trick-or-treating you can walk into the cafeteria which is right next door and have a free hot dog, chips, and drink.  

We have gone the past 3 years now and Aiden loves it.  It is always such a relief to go to places like this where I don’t have to worry about my kid being, or feeling, left out or too different.  It feels really good to see my child being accepted and appreciated for exactly who he is.  I am super grateful for all the work the Rotary Club puts into this!

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