Sunday, October 23, 2016

Halloween Trick or Treating - Spring Hill Mall

We’ve taken Aiden a couple times to Spring Hill Mall for some trick or treating.  It seems like such a good idea, indoor trick or treating.  It’s warm inside, no need for coats, so everyone gets to show off their full ensembles. And if you get tired or hungry there’s a place to sit and eat.  But in reality it’s not that nice.  It’s not warm inside the mall, it’s hot!  There are so many people and the lines are so long, the kids start sweating in their costumes and the lucky parents holding the coats are burning up. This last year we went but didn’t stay long and we were warned as soon as we entered the mall.  A dad was walking out with his kids and he advised us not to go in.  He said the lines were crazy long and that not all the stores were participating.  He was right. After only a couple stores we left and we were so relieved! So was Aiden.

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